Thursday, April 25, 2013

Volunteer Stories- United Planet

Sandy Ruiz, 22 years old, Volunteer in 2008
Describe your volunteer work experience.
I really liked the opportunity to build relationships with the other therapists, students, and patients at my volunteer site.
I also enjoyed having free time to explore Quito and surrounding areas.
I volunteered in a physical therapy clinic. I helped the therapists with whatever they needed, mainly operating different modality machines.
Tell us how you feel overall about your experience.
I went into my United Planet Quest excited, but of course a little bit nervous.
Having a solid background in Spanish, as well as previous experience in the physical therapy field, I knew I had an incredible opportunity to help my host community.
Not only did I meet some great people at my volunteer site, but outside of it as well. I came to really appreciate the Ecuadorian culture, and left with some wonderful memories. I hope to visit this diverse country again very soon!

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