Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Connect 123 Testimonial

Antonina Hassouni

Medical Intern
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
31 August 2011

I was part of the Connect-123 program in Cape Town for two months where I was an intern at a children’s hospital. The experience I had - I unfortunately cannot describe in words since that would not suffice.
Firstly, the organization of the program was flawless – I felt at ease all the time because I knew that any little problem I may have, one of the Connect-123 representatives would fix it as soon as possible. I also felt at home instantly due to the welcoming nature of everyone on the program – the interns, volunteers and the whole team! The activities they had were great for meeting people such as the many drinks nights or trips around Cape Town. That also made it a safe way to travel around.
Secondly; the hospital I worked in was technologically advanced with all the staff there very welcoming and friendly – from the cafeteria staff to the surgeons. It was great being around them every day and I have made long-term friends whom I intend to visit more often.
That being said, I would love to eventually return to Cape Town and work there for some time again....the scenery is breathtaking and I felt like I was living in a scenic postcard for most of the time.
I must say that I definitely loved my whole experience not only with my internship but in the country, and all of that is truly because of the amazing job that Connect-123 did ; their ongoing support and care, their organization and their concern for each and every intern / volunteer in their program! Thanks Connect-123 for everything and for making me feel at home...away from home!

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