Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Connect 123 Testimonial

Greg Goldstein

Medical Intern
Dartmouth University
08 February 2011

I can honestly say that I could not possibly have hoped for a better internship experience than the one I got in Cape Town with Connect-123.

Volunteering, especially internationally, is always a scary experience. You never know exactly what to expect but Connect-123 was there for me every step of the way. Even before I left the States they were there to help me with everything: from my initial internship offer, to the best way to get to Cape Town, to where to stay there was always someone I could ask questions of and who would help me find out the answers.

However, it was my internship that made my experience so incredible. My work at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital remains one of my most significant experience and the deciding factor in my decision to peruse a career in pediatrics. The surgeries and procedures I observed there were truly eye opening and the research I was involved in made me a very real part of them. I was only a college junior and I was not only relaying important information about patients to anesthesiologists but I was also helping surgeons understand how they could communicate more effectively with their patients. My work not only took me into the operating room on a daily basis but it also facilitated regular interaction with nurses, other volunteers, heads of departments and specialists. The bonds I formed with these professionals and the things that I learned from them remain with me even to this day, over a year after I left the hospital.

No matter what brings you to Cape Town, once you arrive it’s impossible not to fall in love with the city. Cape Town is not only breathtakingly beautiful but it is full of countless cultural, athletic and just plain fun opportunities and Connect-123 really helps its interns take advantage of those. My time in this incredible city was filled with day trips to the Cape of Good Hope, hikes of the iconic Table Mountain and Lion’s Head, cruises on the harbor, sunset cocktails, or “sun-downers”, on Signal Hill with other interns and Connect staffers, shark diving, beautiful beaches, a wine festival, rooftop “braais” (think delicious BBQ) and even a pot-luck Thanksgiving dinner.

As I approach medical school and continue on the long journey toward becoming a doctor, I find myself thinking back on the time I spent in Cape Town and I feel incredibly thankful for my experiences at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital, experiences I would have never had without Connect-123.

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