Monday, March 18, 2013

Katie interview Reflection

My first interview! woo!

surprisingly, it wasn't very hard. I found it was very laid back, about 45 minutes on the phone but time flew by. I was very interested in her experiences and found it was hard to take notes because I was so intrigued by what she was saying. because it was over the phone I wasn't able to record what she was saying so I was trying to type as much as I could. I found that the most awkward part was when I turned the conversation in a different direction by asking a new question. but overall, Katie was very energetic and welcoming, so I am very glad I could talk to her about her experience.

The program she talked about was called connect 123, and sounds really interesting. she worked at a children's hospital as a children's aid, which isn't exactly what I would do but then again, it sounded like a great experience. she said its crazy how generous people there are. like most of the people are living in houses with one room and a tin roof, where 7 kids ate and slept at the same time. but then there are some people who are more wealthy. but rather than be greedy and keep their money to themselves, the more wealthy people take care of the less fortunate in their town. another thing she mentioned was how much of an impact it made on her when she saw how little these kids needed to be happy while here we always want the newest thing. I am exact quote was "a kid will have a stick and some sand and be entertained for hours". here we have things that entertain us but lack imagination. it's like our imagination is now computerized. I think that an awesome thing to realize. I will definitely be looking into this program. it would be perfect for summer vacations because you can go anywhere from 1 to 6 months. it also looks great on job applications and tends to be the first thing employers notice. it was great talking with Katie and I look forward to researching more in this program!

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