Friday, March 22, 2013

Katie Outline (Not Finished)

Katie Interview- Connect 123

1.       Reasons to volunteer
a.       Just finished college
b.      Needed to get a job
                                                               i.      Wanted to improve resume
2.       What is the program?
a.       Connect 123
                                                               i.      Children’s Hospital in South Africa
§  Worked as a children’s aid
                                                             ii.      People are there from all over the world
                                                            iii.      Volunteers are put in groups of 8
§  They become family
3.       Best Part of the Experience?
a.       Working with the kids,
b.      Making kids happy
                                                                     i.            Horrible living conditions
§  Kids there sleep in tin houses without toys or things to play with
§  “They literally have a stick and some sand and it will entertain them for hours.” Direct Quote
4.       What did she learn?
a.       Not to take things for granted
5.       Adjusting to the lifestyle
a.       Always had to be with someone
                                                               i.      No time for yourself

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