Thursday, February 7, 2013

Julie/Julia Movie Reflect

The lead character used her blog as a tool to keep track of what she has done, as well as vent when something goes wrong. Her blog keeps her on track to where she is headed. At anytime when she feels frustrated about her project or life in general, she can refer to her blog and viewers to vent her feelings and thoughts. Her blogging helps her reach her goals by having her keep her mind set on the goal, as well as make tiny goals throughout the project. Also, she can reflect on what she has been through so far to keep her motivated to keep going.

I feel like right now my blog doesn't have much purpose. I haven't done much with my project yet, therefore I don't have much to write about. Eventually, I want my blog to be a way of me to look back, as well as forward in my project. I want to have a set goal for each week, and be able to check it off a list. I love making lists.This is helpful in achieving my goals because it will keep me on track throughout my project.

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