Thursday, February 14, 2013


People to Interview:
-Recruiters (1-2)
-Former Volunteers (3-4)

What is necessary to become a member of the Peace Corps?
What are some characteristics you look for in prospective volunteers?
Is there anything that would make you turn someone away?
Is there anything that would make someone an automatic yes?
Is there specific fields of volunteering while serving time in the peace corps?
What fields are available to work in?
Are there certain standards someone must meet to work in a certain field?
What are some things that makes a good Volunteer?
How would you describe the perfect volunteer?
How long is one term in the peace corps?

Former Volunteers:
What made you want to join the Peace Corps?
What did you do while in your country?
How did you help the people living in that country?
Did anything go wrong while there?
Was it hard to adjust to the lifestyle of that country?
What was the hardest part of being a volunteer?
Was your time in the peace corps worth the outcome/experience?
How has your life changed since your time as a volunteer?
In what ways did the peace corps help you after your time?
What do you think helped you become a better volunteer?

What makes you want to hire someone?
What traits do you look for in a prospective employee?
If you were to choose between two prospective employees, with the same qualifications, how would you choose?
Would someone's work in the peace corps help you decide?
What is it about the peace corps that makes you want to hire someone?
What characteristics do members of the corps posess?

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