Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I dont think this survey will be useful unless i use it as an add on to each interview. Because of how limited my audience is, i feel that a survey is not as useful as an interview.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

United Planet

United Planet http://www.unitedplanet.org/healthcare-volunteer-abroad

I really like this program because, like the peace Corps, you can volunteer abroad. However, you can choose short term, or long term programs. a short term is 1-12 weeks, and a long term is 6-12 months. This seems like a very realistic opportunity, along with one i am very interested in. i would be able to volunteer in Nursing and health care services.


Program: Volunteer Abroad
Location: Ecuador
United Planet went above and beyond for our group of nursing students who spent ten days in Quito, Ecuador. They managed our logistics -- from planning through traveling through fun excursions -- flawlessly. We were a big group, spread out through 3 medical projects. We got to do some real work -- helping deliver babies, doing intake, doing vaccinations -- and we got to observe many different practices. We also had a lot of fun -- salsa dance class, excursions to Otavalo for shopping and an indigenous clinic, Spanish lessons, parties, and more. The country coordinator was great -- he picked up us and our giant boxes of medical supplies from the airport; helped sort them out; and delivered them to the best medical projects. He made sure we had language help, good food, nice accommodations, and more. From the home office to the hostel, it was all professional and a great experience.
above is a review of a trip to Ecuador through United Planet for a group of nursing students. What this person had is exactly the experience I am looking for.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Instead of researching the Peace Corps, i'm going to look more towards volunteer programs in general. What kind of volunteer program would be best for me? There are so many programs out there, so many different kinds of programs. There are overseas, international, long term, short term; my goal this week is to find 10 programs that interest me and research them.

-Peace Corps http://www.peacecorps.gov/learn/
-City Year http://www.cityyear.org/CityYear/Home_New_2011/Home_A_2011.aspx
-Americorps http://www.americorps.gov/about/role_impact/state_profiles_detail.asp?tbl_profiles_state=NJ

This is what i have so far, i will continue later.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


People to Interview:
-Recruiters (1-2)
-Former Volunteers (3-4)

What is necessary to become a member of the Peace Corps?
What are some characteristics you look for in prospective volunteers?
Is there anything that would make you turn someone away?
Is there anything that would make someone an automatic yes?
Is there specific fields of volunteering while serving time in the peace corps?
What fields are available to work in?
Are there certain standards someone must meet to work in a certain field?
What are some things that makes a good Volunteer?
How would you describe the perfect volunteer?
How long is one term in the peace corps?

Former Volunteers:
What made you want to join the Peace Corps?
What did you do while in your country?
How did you help the people living in that country?
Did anything go wrong while there?
Was it hard to adjust to the lifestyle of that country?
What was the hardest part of being a volunteer?
Was your time in the peace corps worth the outcome/experience?
How has your life changed since your time as a volunteer?
In what ways did the peace corps help you after your time?
What do you think helped you become a better volunteer?

What makes you want to hire someone?
What traits do you look for in a prospective employee?
If you were to choose between two prospective employees, with the same qualifications, how would you choose?
Would someone's work in the peace corps help you decide?
What is it about the peace corps that makes you want to hire someone?
What characteristics do members of the corps posess?

Student Interview

Evolution Vs Creationalism in Schools

People to Interview:

Other Sources:
-Survey Monkey: Add a poll online and invite teachers from all over the country to get a perspective on thecountry as a whole.

There were two court cases in Arkansas over the topic.

Every school is different when it comes to teaching evolution or creationalism in schools.

What are we taught here at Northern?

Interview at St Paul

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Research Questions Take Three

1. What is needed to become a member of the Peace Corps?
-Internet Research
-Interviews with Recruiters

2. How can involvement in the Peace Corps impact a volunteer's life for better or worse?
-Interviews with former volunteers
-Internet Research

3. Which personality traits of mine will help me be a successful peace corps volunteer?
-Interviews with Recruiters
-Interviews with Former Volunteers
-Internet Research

4. Why do employers value the experience of a Peace Corps volunteer?
-Interviews with Different Employers
-Interviews with Former Volunteers
-Interviews with Recruiters
-Internet Research

Monday, February 11, 2013

Research Questions Take Two

so instead of making a new post with my new questions, I edited them in the old post. but here they are anyway:

1. What is needed to become a member of the Peace Corps?
2. How can involvement in the Peace Corps impact a volunteer's life for better or worse?
3. Which personality traits of mine will help me be a successful peace corps volunteer?
4. Why do employers value the experience of a Peace Corps volunteer?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

what is the peace corps?

The Peace Corps traces its roots back to 1960, when Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. Volunteers were sent to 139 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information technology and environmental preservation.

1. Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.
2. Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.
3. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

well that's all for now.

Friday, February 8, 2013


I talked to mr reising today after school, and I realized I really need to figure out what I am doing to start off my project. first things first: research, research, research. step one is to answer the question: what is the peace corps? I need history. lots of history. once I do that, I can go on to more. interviews. getting into a volunteer program. what does it mean to be a volunteer? what does it take to start a volunteer program/service project?

Research Questions

1. What is needed to become a member of the Peace Corps?
2. How can involvement in the Peace Corps impact a volunteer's life for better or worse?
3. Which personality traits of mine will help me be a successful peace corps volunteer?
4. Why do employers value the experience of a Peace Corps volunteer?

Research Questions are basically a guideline when researching a topic. They keep you in line and make sure you are focused on what you need to be focused on.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Julie/Julia Movie Reflect

The lead character used her blog as a tool to keep track of what she has done, as well as vent when something goes wrong. Her blog keeps her on track to where she is headed. At anytime when she feels frustrated about her project or life in general, she can refer to her blog and viewers to vent her feelings and thoughts. Her blogging helps her reach her goals by having her keep her mind set on the goal, as well as make tiny goals throughout the project. Also, she can reflect on what she has been through so far to keep her motivated to keep going.

I feel like right now my blog doesn't have much purpose. I haven't done much with my project yet, therefore I don't have much to write about. Eventually, I want my blog to be a way of me to look back, as well as forward in my project. I want to have a set goal for each week, and be able to check it off a list. I love making lists.This is helpful in achieving my goals because it will keep me on track throughout my project.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

it's only Wednesday

it's Wednesday.. it's only Wednesday.. I feel like this week is taking forever. at least I don't need to worry about work this week! or at least until Sunday. I wish I could write in a blog like Julie in the movie, always with creativity and a topic. but right now I feel like I'm just writing about nothing, which is basically what I'm doing..
in relation to the project, I talked to mr reising about when we can meet. if its possible, we can meet 9th period any day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


it's only Tuesday and I'm Already tired. I have work tonight and I just don't want to go! it's been so slow and I sit there for 4 hours and make $10. I mean don't get me wrong, it's money. but along with that I have to deal with people I don't like and I get to hear all about everyone's drama. sound fun yet? didn't think so. once I get there I usually adjust well and can act somewhat joyful, it's who I am. I guess that will help me out later, learning to just deal with things and make the best of everything. well, I'm off.