Friday, May 3, 2013

Email from Peace Corps Recruiter

Morrison, Rebecca <>
May 2 (1 day ago)
to me

Hello Mekenzie,

My name is Rebecca Morrison, I am a Recruiter for the Peace Corps Northeast Office, and I am thrilled that you are interested in learning more about Peace Corps. Peace Corps was one of my most rewarding and exciting experiences and it is my pleasure to be your resource.

I served in the People’s Republic of China from 2009-2011, where I worked as a TEFL Volunteer.  Through this experience, I changed my worldview and professional direction. 

The Peace Corps website is also an excellent resource to assist you.  There you can read other volunteers’ stories and find out more about what life is like as a volunteer. If you’re interested in personal accounts with a multimedia flair, check out the Peace Corps YouTube Channel to watch our short videos we created about our experiences.

Applicants usually also ask me safety-related questions.  I am more than happy to answer what I can, or direct you to a returned Peace Corps volunteer (RPCV). You can also find out about graduate school opportunities here. 

Peace Corps is highly competitive and requires flexibility in many different areas.  Check out what volunteers do on our website and research how folks can become more competitive for service.

I know that when I began applying, I had lots of questions about the process.  The website offers a pretty comprehensive FAQ section as well as an overview of the application process.  

Don’t forget to continue to check out upcoming events in your area at  as well as connect with the Peace Corps Philadelphia Facebook Page and Twitter Page to become part of the Eastern Pennsylvania/Southern New Jersey community.  It’s a great way to find out where I’ll be hosting an event as well as a way to connect with RPCVs in your area.


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